The Challenge is considered complete once all of the ghosts of your former spouses are living in the home, you have completed the Mansion Baron Aspiration and you have all the skills and ingredients necessary to cook ambrosia.Īlso it’s important to note that this challenge does not allow you to use any cheats to give your Sim any money. For this version of the Black Widow Challenge, your main objective is to have 5 ghosts of your deceases spouses haunting your home. It’s also one of the versions that presents the most challenge and obstacles, which ultimately just adds to all the fun.
The types of requirements and gameplay options are what changed between each challenge but this guide will focus on one of the most popular and recently updated versions of the challenge. You are tasked with marrying and then killing a certain number of Sims while also hoping your black widow Sim is not scared to death by the spirits of her many ex-husbands. The goal of the challenge remains the same for all the different variations. If you journey through a few different forums you’ll quickly discover that there are many versions of this challenge. This is a challenge that’s all about exactly what you would think it is-killing off as many spouses as possible. The Black Widow Challenge is the perfect challenge for the more sinister Sims 4 player. How to Do the Black Widow Challenge in The Sims 4